3400 American Blvd W, | Bloomington, MN 55431

Can a Minneapolis DUI Lawyer Save You Money?

Have you recently been arrested and charged with a DWI offense in Minnesota? You may be considering a lot of things about how this charge affects your life and what the ramifications may be. You may not be considering how incredibly expensive this charge will be. Consulting with a Minneapolis DUI lawyer could be one of the best ways to save thousands of dollars.

If you are convicted of a DWI offense, you will face considerable fines, sky-high insurance rates, and possible jail time (lost wages). There’s also a good possibility that a conviction could negatively affect your career in the future, or your job right now. Consulting with DWI attorney, the best of Minnesota, could result in a reduction or dismissal of charges, and a big savings.

To begin, a Minneapolis DUI lawyer will first examine your arrest, the initial stop, the testing procedures used, and the evidence that was gathered. Even if you did test with a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08%, that does not mean you are without any legal recourse. A DWI attorney, the best in Minnesota, can have that evidence eliminated or questioned from your charges.

An experience DWI attorney, the best of Minnesota will have a great working relationship with the judicial system. He or she will have experience working with the prosecutors or judges in the court system. This knowledge and relationships give the Minneapolis DUI lawyer much needed insight into how to best defend your charges, or speak on your behalf to request a reduction in charges.

How do you determine if the DWI attorney is the best of Minnesota? When you look for an attorney to help you with your DWI charge you want to look for the following:

  • Your Minneapolis DUI lawyer should be a criminal defense attorney;
  • He or she must have experience successfully defending clients against DWI charges;
  • The attorney should be a member of an organization such as National College for DUI Defense, or Drunk Driving Defense;
  • A DWI attorney is best of Minnesota when he or she has a team supporting his defense of your charges – investigators, other attorneys, expert consultants.

If you are facing charges for a DWI offense in Minnesota, you may be concerned or frustrated. You don’t need to feel powerless. By taking an active role in your defense and finding a DWI attorney, the best of Minnesota, you can change your circumstances. What could have been an expensive and life changing event can simply become a distant memory as you move forward with your future.