3400 American Blvd W, | Bloomington, MN 55431

Are You Aware Of The Many DWI Penalties In Minnesota?

Learning About Minnesota DWI Penalties Is Essential To Maintaining Your Freedom

If you are facing a DWI in Minnesota, you most likely want to know more about the types of Minnesota DWI penalties you might be facing. After all, a DWI conviction can result in significant fines, and possibly even jail time.

When thinking about DWI penalties in Minnesota, however, many people fail to consider the possibility of losing their license plate as well. While this may seem like one of the more insignificant of the Minnesota DWI penalties you might face, losing your license plate can be quite a hassle, as you will not be able to legally drive while your plate is impounded.

You may face a license plate impoundment if your offense involves any of the following:

  • Occurs within ten years of a prior impaired driving violation
  • The alcohol concentration is 0.16 or more
  • A child below the 16 years of age was in the vehicle
  • The license had been cancelled as inimical to public safety

If your arrest fits any of these criteria, the plates may be impounded on the vehicle that was used at the time of the violation, as well as on any vehicle that you own or that you have leased or registered under your name, even if you have owned, leased or registered the vehicle jointly with someone else.

Given this, license plate impoundment is one of the DWI penalties in Minnesota that could dramatically impact the lives of your loved ones, as it leaves them without a vehicle as well.

When you are arrested for a DWI in Minnesota, plate impoundment will be issued immediately by the arresting officer. At this time, you will receive a temporary vehicle permit that is good for seven days, or for 45 days if you are not the owner of the vehicle. The plates will then be impounded for at least one year, during which you will be required to use a specially-coded plate once a new plate is issued. During this period, you will also face certain restrictions when it comes to selling and acquiring a new vehicle.

In order to obtain one of these specially-coded plates, you need to meet one of the following criteria:

  • You have a substitute driver who is properly licensed
  • A member of your household is properly licensed
  • You have had your licensed revalidated
  • The owner of the vehicle was not the violator, and he or she has a valid license

While plate impoundment may seem like one of the least serious DWI penalties in Minnesota, it can have far-reaching implications. Therefore, when hiring an attorney, be sure to discuss this consequence, as well as other potential Minnesota DWI penalties with your attorney so you can be sure to receive the best legal representation possible.

Dave Risk has been practicing Twin Cities, Minnesota DUI law for many years. The focus of his practice is criminal law, with alcohol-related offenses --- such as a Twin Cities DUI arrest --- being his prime area of concentration. Risk has lectured classes regarding DWI related topics and has published numerous articles on the subject.

Don’t risk your driving freedom! Get the assistance of a DUI / DWI attorney experienced in the Minnesota DUI law. Hire an attorney who will get the job done right by calling Dave Risk at 1-612-334-3342.